Student Registration
Please ensure that you are registering at your catchment school : enter your primary home address into the districts School Locator portal to determine your neighbourhood catchment school.
Please ensure that when you come to register you have all required original documentation and all the forms are completed, signed and dated. We cannot accept incomplete registration packages.
Only a parent or guardian can register a student. Please bring the originals with you :
Completed Registration Forms (you can pick up a package in our office or download a copy from the district website)
AP 336-1 Student Registration
AP 336-2 Request for Email Address
AP 324-1 Photography – Video & Media Consent
Child’s Birth Certificate or Passport
Parents proof of Canadian citizenship (birth certificate, passport, citizenship card)
New to Canada? At least one parent must be a Canadian citizen by birth or obtained citizenship. If not, you may be required to report to the School Board office with an appointment prior to registering your child at the school.
Childs Care Card
Two Proof of Address documents :
First proof of address must be one of the following: mortgage document, property tax notice, rental or lease agreement, home insurance or government utility bill
Second proof of address must be one of the following documents containing the name and address of the parent / guardian : government document ie. MSP bill, Child tax credit, Income tax assessment, Vehicle insurance, most recent T4
Last report card (if applicable)
3rd party assessment (if applicable)
For more information on registration please visit the district website at : www.abbyschools.ca