Student Health and Safety
**If a child is too sick to go out at recess and lunch he/she is too sick to be at school. Sick children need to stay home until they are feeling better**
If your child becomes ill at school, we will phone you and ask that you come to school and take him/her home.
Parents: Make sure the school has your current phone number for home and work, and an emergency contact number. Also, please inform the office of any changes to these numbers throughout the year.
· If your child must take prescribed medicine during school time, then you should come to the school to give the medicine. If this is impossible, then special arrangements need to be made.
· Medications must be brought to school in a properly labeled prescription container; we will store it in a locked place.
· If your child requires school personnel to administer medication on a regular or emergency basis, then you need to complete a form, Request for Administration of Medication at School, available from the school office.